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<root>­/­mirrors­/­amigascne­/­Scrollers­/­T-Groupstext­/­The Twitch Elite/TTE06-CrMeanStreets.txt

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5 410 bytes (5.28K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:46
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all-time: 0


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-= Mean Streets =-

Request by UrBi from EAB

Cracked by NATALIE

Cracked with a slight drunken tinge in a couple hours
live on stream with full release.

We might come back to this to see if we can shrink it down
to 1 disk, because the game has no compression whatsoever!

Anyway, enjoy another fine TTE release.

: TTE Members Club :

h0ffman, CommanderKeen, Docster, Korruptor,
Retro32, LarsThe18th, Depeche, Mnemotron,
Francis, RobSmithDev, FuZioN, Zendar,
Nivrig, em00k, NAG_Graham, Nightshft,
boony, darngeek, xander_kaese, Comatron,
ne7, Hooverphonique, Pigpenpete, gerbil,
vectorfunk, hypnosh0ck, PrincePhaze101, dendy_jr,
GoingDigital, AmigaForMortals, Ripperdoc, ukgamer,
riker77, Galahad, Neversoft, Truck,
platon, Deck, hop, Rebel,
DVS, IceDragonDee, TerribleFire, XCOPYpro,
wazzock22, MightyCoffeMug, Laurie MCC, Darkstar,
neriakX, VampierMSX, GOD5P33D, Bass / The Silents,
Amazing Pillock, Fred2nd, RC55, Takotol,
thalamoose, Glaist, MrPMB, TheLizard,
Nefrayu, Edvin, checkh00k, alkama, ttd_dk.

Yeah that's right, even though we spent
all that effort to make sure the full length
intro soundtrack is on the disk, we've given
you an option to skip all our hard work!

.. cursor keys and enter ..

: Skip intro                 OFF :
:           START GAME           :